Beeston coffee shop is recruiting staff

A new coffee shop/cafe called Brew is opening soon on Beeston Road and is now recruiting staff.

iStock_Cafe smallThey require experienced and professional people from the local area who can be flexible with working patterns able to work between the hours of 8am – 5pm, occasional weekends and work at a second site if required.

We are looking for:

·     Full-time apprentice

·     2 part-time team members who will have some supervisory responsibility, 12 + hours

·     2 Saturday Team members 16/17

If you are interested, please download an application form: Brew application form and return as soon as possible.

If you have any queries please email:

3 Replies to “Beeston coffee shop is recruiting staff”

    1. Not sure of the exact number Jamie, but it used to be a florists. It’s near the butcher between the top of Cross Flatts Grove and Old Lane.

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