Lorries in the Garnets

Lorries drive through the Garnets regularly to make deliveries to Iceland and Kashmir supermarkets on Dewsbury Road. This video shows the route delivery trucks take and outlines the problems caused by parked cars in the area. If a proposed housing application goes ahead, these problems will get much worse, impacting on both the residents and the supermarkets.

There is no mention of the delivery trucks in the planning application so it seems that the council are unaware of these issues or choosing to ignore them.

More information about the planning application and how to comment on it can be found in this previous South Leeds Life article: www.sllife.leeds11.com/last-chance-comment-garnets-planning-application


This post was written by Toby Lloyd using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.

One Reply to “Lorries in the Garnets”

  1. That area of Dewsbury Road, together with the stretch from Tunstall Road,p past Tesco and the new pedestrian crossing, are extremely congested with streets up to Beeston having parking on both sides and becoming single lane although traffic is two way. Planners, councillors, police etc never look at the whole picture!

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