Parents urged to apply on time for primary school places

Families with children who are due to start primary school in September 2015 are being reminded they have until Thursday 15 January 2015 to apply for their preferred schools.

Leeds-City-Council-LogoPrevious years have shown that those who apply late have a 30% less chance of getting a preferred school place, which can be upsetting for both parents and children.

To avoid this, Leeds City Council is urging families to submit their preferences by Thursday 15 January. Remember, even if your child has a place at a school nursery you must apply for a place at primary school.

The quickest and easiest way to apply is online at People who apply online will receive a confirmation email that their preferences have been received and will receive their offer by email on 16 April 2015.

Parents can also apply using a paper form called the ‘common preference form’ which is also available at Parents using the paper form will have their offer letter sent out by second class post on the offer day so can expect to receive it a few days later.

Councillor Judith Blake, executive board member responsible for children and families, said:

Cllr Judith Blake“In the last school year, over 400 applications for primary school places were made after the deadline. It’s far more difficult to allocate places in these circumstances and families who do this risk not being able to send their child to their preferred school.

“Unfortunately every year there are disappointed parents and children who we are unable to offer a place to at one of their preferred schools because they apply after the deadline. We want to give everyone a fair opportunity by encouraging everyone to apply on time.

“It’s essential that preferences are made by the deadline on 15 January and that up to five schools are listed – including your nearest school – to ensure every child and young person has the best chance of attending their preferred school.”

Last year 434 applications for reception places were made late. Of those who applied late 158 were unable to be allocated any of their preferences because all of the places had already been filled. Only 65% of late applicants received one of their preferences compared to 94% of those who applied on time.

Figures for admissions in September 2014 show the percentage of families offered their first preference was 85 per cent while the percentage offered one of their three preferences was 94 per cent.

For more information about admissions visit or call the admissions team on (0113) 222 4414. Advice is also available from the local authority choice adviser, who can answer questions on applying for primary school places, by calling (0113) 395 0596.

3 Replies to “Parents urged to apply on time for primary school places”

  1. What those sneaky so and sos at the council haven’t publicised widely is the fact they are proposing changes to the priority rules for 2015 the consultation period for which runs out on Jan 30th.
    Chief among these changes is to make sibling priority only work when you are applying for the school nearest. This change makes a complete mockery of having the sibling rule at all and will cause massive hardship for thousands of families across Leeds.

    In fact I would go as far as to say this policy makes Leeds Labour Council the number one enemy of young families in Leeds

  2. It is interesting that Ms Blake is a councillor for Middleton Park, considering that she lives on the other side of the city, in Otley, and has been re-selected to stand in that area in the upcoming elections.

    Surely she would rather be a councillor for her local area, where she can have an impact on her own community?

    Unless that isn’t what the objective of being elected is all about these days, in ‘major’ political parties?

  3. John McKee I agree with you 100% I too am hugely concerned by the proposed changes in policy and the hardship this will cause to 100’s across the city. I have currently emailed my local MEP and I’m working my way through the list of Councillors with my concerns.

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