Planning applications 25 April 2016

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 25 April 2016:


Three pairs of semi-detached houses to vacant site

Land Off Park Wood Road Beeston Leeds LS11

Ref. No: 16/02380/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Four illuminated signs and eight non illuminated signs to public house

Old White Hart Inn 45 Town Street Beeston LS11 8BZ

Ref. No: 16/02342/ADV | Status: Pending Consideration


Alterations to rear elevation to form new windows and doors

Old White Hart Inn 45 Town Street Beeston Leeds LS11 8BZ

Ref. No: 16/02327/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Listed Building application for conversion of basement into two storage rooms, drum room and amp room.

24 Crown Point Road Hunslet LS10 1HU

Ref. No: 16/02485/LI | Status: Pending Consideration


Multi level development comprising 204 dwellings and two commercial units, car parking, landscaping and public realm

Clarence Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1ND

Ref. No: 16/02420/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Demolition of existing buildings and erect two storey modular office block, with car parking

Aplan House Midland Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 2RJ

Ref. No: 16/01738/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Part two storey, part single storey side extension.

81 Ring Road Middleton Middleton Leeds LS10 3NW

Ref. No: 16/02523/FU | Status: Pending Consideration