South Leeds Life: Raise the profile of your group and join us at blog meeting

Some of the South Leeds Life crew: Dave, Steve, John, Laura & Jeremy

Are you interested in raising the profile of your local group or organisation? Got a service which needs a higher profile?  Are you a resident who would you like to have a say on issues in your community by contributing posts to the South Leeds Life blog –

We’ll be meeting up to discuss how the blog is going on Tuesday, 20th March at 5pm – we’re trying this tea time slot for people who are at work through the day. And you’re all more than welcome to attend!
It’s being held in Belle Isle next door to the Credit Union office at 26A Broom Crescent, Leeds, LS10 3JN.
South Leeds Life is a blog which is open for anyone and everyone in South Leeds to contribute to – from local residents to people who work in the area. Anyone with a love and passion for couth Leeds is welcome! Last month we had almost 9,500 page views and we distributed 2,500 copies of the printed magazine. It is YOUR blog – make sure sure you use us!
You can also contact us by emailing southleedslife@gmail com. We’re also on Twitter @southleedslife and Facebook.